CZIP X Passphrase Check

Write your passphrase and get a score.

How do we calculate the score?

  • A passphrase is a sequence of wordssymbolsnumbers and spaces.
  • The score will increase with a passphrase that has 5 or more words.
  • If you try to write a single word (a password, then), you will get a score only if it will be longer than 8 characters.
  • The score will increase by 2 points if you will write words containing from 1 to 5 uppercase letters;
    if you will write a word with more than 5 uppercase letters, the score will lost 1 point.
  • The score will increase by 2 points if you will write words containing from 1 to 3 numbers;
    if you will write a word containing 4 or more numbers (es.: 1980), the score will lost 1 point.
  • The score will increase by 2 points if you will write words containing from 1 to 3 symbols;
    if you will write a word containing 4 or more symbols, the score will lost 1 point.
  • The final score is rounded to 0 (if negative) or to 100 (if excessive).